CHA Class Types


There are three class types in CHA trials. Each class offers different challenges and emphasizes various skills, allowing competitors to showcase their dogs’ agility and teamwork.

Hoopers (H) – Courses in this class use only hoops as obstacles. Hoopers and Hoopers Plus points are combined in Starters and Novice to level up.

Hoopers Plus (H+) – Courses designed using hoops, barrels, tunnels and gates. Must have a hoop as a start and finish obstacle. Hoopers and Hoopers Plus points are combined in Starters and Novice to level up.

Pairs (P) – Courses can include hoops, barrels, tunnels and gates. Must have a hoop as a start and finish obstacle. Points earned in Pairs (P) courses will accumulate until 12/1/25 to determine best overall Pair.